
Monday, May 21, 2012


Pokok pine banyak ditanam semula untuk pembalakan di England. Singgah di hutan pain ni sebab aku memang suka di kelilingi oleh pokok dan hutan tak tau sebab apa, ada rasa yang relax masuk kut hidung dan tenangkan otak..juga saja nak ambik positif energy yang banyak dibekalkan oleh alam ni.. lagi pun study aku banyak berjumpa dengan kayu jenis pain ni.. jadi ni lawatan untuk lihat leluhur species nya sebelum jadi bingkai dan bahan binaan lain..

Pine (pinus). Although the genus, Pinus, include many species, the name ‘pine’ is often applied of the other genus, especially to of the firs. Modern botanist however, reserve the name for spurce and silver firs of the genus Piccea and Abies. The needles of the true pine grow in clusters of tufts from membranous sheaths whereas in the firs the needles are placed slightly on the shoots. The red pine (P. Sylvertris), also known as the Baltic pine or Scotch fir, is the most important timber conifer of Europe. It is found as far south as Italy and Spain but prefer more northenly latitudes. The stone pine (P.pinea) is an important timber tree of Italys the wood is soft, fine grain and easily worked. In America the white pine (P. Strotenis) furnishes valuable, white, soft and event grain lumber. Other valued American pine are the Southern Yellow pine (P.Mitis) and Western Yellow pine (P.Ponderosa), both hard pines. The pine woods are characterized by resinous odor and the pressure of resin ducts which often be seen, even without lens.   The chief structure of pine wood, as other coniferous woods, is the tracheid with its bordered pits. The hard –wood is usually light orange to reddish browns; the sap-wood is lighter in colour. Pines are divided into two general groups, according to structure: sft and hard. In the soft pines, like the American White Pine (P.Strabus), the wood is relatively light in color and the annual rings are not particularly distinct for there is slight difference in the density between spring and summer wood. There is practically no figure of stripe in longitudinal section. The hard –wood group, comprising the yellow or pitch pines, is distinguished usually by deeper color, pronounced annual rings and stronger by stronger odor of resin. Quarter-sawed, hard pine has striped appearance. Pine wood in general, is durable, does not warp badly, and is straight-grained. According to records the term ‘pine’ probably includes many other woods from conifers.- ensiclopedia of painting material, 1948 

Hutan pine ni ditepi tasik dan empangan yang kami lawati. Tanah kawasan ni macam berpaya, pijak kaki boleh tenggelam, tapi rumput-rumput tu tebal kaki tak basah cuma macam jalan atas tilam. Bongolan lumut pun banyak dan subur. Pine adalah antara kayu yang menjadi pilihan tukang bingkai untuk buat stretcher kerana dia tak kiat, ringan dan tak pecah jika di potong atau di pahat. Taburan pine ni diserata England dan Eropah Barat dan Selatan, ada jenis pine hitam dan pine putih dan macam-macamlagi.

Jalan kena hati-hati, hanya dekat perdu pokok saja tanah keras, kat tempat lain macam jalan atas tilam..

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